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CareWork for Skilled Nursing 

With constantly changing SNF regulations and challenges related to occupancy, reimbursement, and staffing, having a holistic view of operations and automating processes is more crucial than ever.


In today’s world, skilled nursing operators will only thrive through efficiency. SNFs must find a way to do more with the resources they have. That’s where CareWork comes in.


Our SNF analytic and workflow automation software connects the systems you already use, ties your data together, and gives you a home base to complete tasks, view actionable analytics, automated reports, and company communication.

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CareWork was designed with SNF metrics in mind.


Manual reporting takes up precious time each day. We’ve automated KPI management for SNFs on the things that matter most.

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Easily keep an eye on things like payor mix, census performance and trends, Medicare readmission rates, admission and discharge trends by diagnosis, the average length of stay, and more.



We’ve taken the manual out of monitoring labor budgets and census-based flex budgets, labor trends, agency hours, overtime costs, staffing per-patient-day, regulated RN hours, and open positions. We’ve also automated turnover and retention reporting by department and title. No more manual calculations.

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Clinical & Quality


Clinical operations meetings move quickly with access to quality measures percentages of attainment as compared to company targets and national averages, clinical staffing report automation, and resident statistics in a single view.  

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Eliminate guesswork and surprises by giving your administrators and business office teams the tools they need to proactively manage the financial health of your SNF. Automated revenue projections and trends, collection targets and attainment, outstanding account detail, aging, and DSO performance insights set your teams up for success.

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SNF department heads need visibility into procurement spending and PPDs on a regular basis to stay on top of budgets. CareWork gives your teams detailed procurement insights by GL and department. Trends highlight procurement spending patterns so teams can identify areas where value and savings may be recovered or enhanced.

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